Vasa Trainer Review

My training time has all but vanished lately, as I’ve been lamenting.

Perhaps a chance encounter with Facebook Marketplace could help alleviate my suffering.

A couple weeks ago during Thanksgiving weekend, I decided to casually scan online for a Vasa swim trainer. For those who don’t know, the Vasa looks like a cross between a row machine and a Bowflex. It’s designed to help swimmers work on their stroke while on land. Vasa trainers, or the fancier Vasa ERG, are expensive though. They can range from $1,000 to $2,000-plus.

There’s no way I’d pay that much.

But I would pay $100.

I found a used Vasa, but in good condition, for that price about 30 miles from home. No. Brainer!

After three 5-10 minute sessions on the Vasa, the investment has been well worth it. Yet it’s humbling beyond belief.

See, the Vasa points out immediately how poor my catch and pull stroke actually is. That’s because the trainer advocates a high-elbow stroke. I’m clearly not doing that in the water, evidenced by how sore I am in the PROPER swim muscles such as my upper lats and triceps. That’s counter to the typical soreness I experience after long pool swims (shoulders).

I feel pretty much spent after three sets of the following:

— 30 strokes alternating right side, left side (so 60 total strokes)

— 30 right-arm only strokes

— 30 left-arm only strokes

Eventually, as in hopefully next week, I’ll resume my “normal” training routine. But for now, at least I can rest assured that I can “swim” for 10 minutes every other day and hopefully I won’t start from scratch.

And who knows, maybe I’ll finally find that missing link in my swim stroke.

I’ll buy that for $100!!