Movement Therapy

Gee, did I jinx things with my blog post yesterday!

Audra was up ALL NIGHT with a fever. There was no way I was going to rally for a 5:45 a.m. swim with Tower 26.

So I did what any self-respecting Type A triathlete would do. I called an audible on my day faster than you can say, “Omaha!”

I was supposed to swim for 1.25 hours and instead turned that into a 10 minute Vasa trainer session.

Then, I flipped my 30 minute easy trail run to a 1.5 hour session with my good friend Jason.

The mental therapy portion of the run was by far the best part of my day. Movement therapy is indeed real. As if to validate that, Jason and I saw a truck advertising a mobile psychotherapist parked at the trailhead.

What a brilliant concept!

After a long run bellyaching about a lack of sleep and appreciation from occasionally “challenging” children, I felt re-energized and fresh for the day. That was no small feat for someone who saw the clock every hour from midnight on until 7 this morning. Oofa.

What’s my takeaway?

Don’t brag about finding balance in a blog post!

But if I do, get ready to audible…and find a good friend to drag me out of the sleep-induced abyss.