Pride and Responsibility

Three members of the Good Wolf tribe rode together along with me on a New Year’s slog up Mandeville Canyon.

We wore the blue, white and black colors of the Good Wolf kit for the first time.

At first, it felt surreal to see people wearing something that represented a dream of mine.

Then, I allowed some pride to swell as Steve, Chris, Scott and I rode in a paceline. In that moment, I had visceral proof that I was building something special. Something that more and more people are buying into, one athlete at a time.

The pride became replaced by moments of fear — what the hell am I doing?? What business do I have even being a triathlon coach? Funny how quick that pendulum can swing!

Fortunately, I knew that was the famed Lizard Brain talking. That’s the part of our brain designed to (allegedly) protect us from threats.

Usually, those threats are imagined or greatly exaggerated.

My fleeting fear gave way to a deep sense of responsibility. Here were talented people who believed in my approach and bought in — literally — by wearing our new team kit on a large group ride with multiple riders spanning several clubs. This was OUR club.

But…stop it, Ryan.

Pride kills. Complacency is even worse. We’re only as good as our last day.

That’s the challenge.

That’s the opportunity.

As a business owner, or a parent, or partner, that’s the responsibility.