Quiet Day

Oh, how nice it was to sleep in late today.  I didn't get home until midnight from last night's basketbrawl at Staples Center, where the Lakers throttled the Dallas Mavericks by 28 points.  But once I finally crawled into bed to pass out, I really didn't move for almost nine hours. I needed that!

Today has been similarly slow. No bags to pack, no water bottles to fill.  No powder mess to clean up from the floor when I miss with my pour.

A real day off from training.  I tried to make the 6 p.m. deep stretch class at Black Dog Yoga tonight but I just had a little too much to wrap up in the office to feel comfortable leaving early.  So, I'll go home and try to really stretch well for an hour.

I need that as well.  I'm still sore from my strength training session with Shannan yesterday, which featured several sets of squats and plyometric jumping.  My hamstrings are displeased with me.

Not much more to say at the moment.  Just a nice day off from training to recharge the batteries a bit.  Got a lot to do this weekend, and won't be able to blog.  I'll be back on Monday though!

81 days and counting.